Though williwaw still haven't seen the final cut (zoinks!), it's sure to make williwaw look foolish, 'cause there just isn't any other way to look, now, is there? Back circa 1993, the admiral of the fleet, the kamaka soprano uke with binding and schaller tuners, was purchased from Elderly. They doubled shipping costs and the uke came with a hairline crack in the back. The fine people at Elderly were told ever so gently that they suck on the flagpole of shame, and williwaw hasn't purchased a goddamn thing from them since. So williwaw may never see the final cut. So foolish, that williwaw.
04 December 2007
celluloid ukes
several years ago, a fine gent from Kentucky (now Californee) enjoyed that magic moment when you first discover williwaw, and proceeded to film williwaw in situ (in the former williwaw headquarters, also known to the downstairs neighbor as the stolen-TV-guide stash). That filming became a small part of a greater opus dedicated to the outskirts of ukuleleville, rock that uke. The film played the festival circuit to good pablum, but now can be seen in the comforting confines of the homestead via Elderly Instruments.

Though williwaw still haven't seen the final cut (zoinks!), it's sure to make williwaw look foolish, 'cause there just isn't any other way to look, now, is there? Back circa 1993, the admiral of the fleet, the kamaka soprano uke with binding and schaller tuners, was purchased from Elderly. They doubled shipping costs and the uke came with a hairline crack in the back. The fine people at Elderly were told ever so gently that they suck on the flagpole of shame, and williwaw hasn't purchased a goddamn thing from them since. So williwaw may never see the final cut. So foolish, that williwaw.
Though williwaw still haven't seen the final cut (zoinks!), it's sure to make williwaw look foolish, 'cause there just isn't any other way to look, now, is there? Back circa 1993, the admiral of the fleet, the kamaka soprano uke with binding and schaller tuners, was purchased from Elderly. They doubled shipping costs and the uke came with a hairline crack in the back. The fine people at Elderly were told ever so gently that they suck on the flagpole of shame, and williwaw hasn't purchased a goddamn thing from them since. So williwaw may never see the final cut. So foolish, that williwaw.
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1 comment:
Nordic Beast. That's all I've gots to say. Go Barabas!
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